Testnet Progress Update

3 min readApr 25, 2024

Hello Community!

A huge shout-out to all of you for your active participation in our testnet journey. Your engagement, feedback, and ongoing support are incredibly valuable to us.

Since the last recap, published on April 5th, we’ve made quite a leap in all of the major stats, all made possible by your contributions:

Let’s dive deeper into the latest statistics breakdown, which vividly highlight the increasing activity.

General Stats

- Unique Wallets: A growing number of 646,000+ wallets are exploring the Prom ecosystem, each contributing to our network’s diversity and robustness.

- Total Tx Amount: An impressive total of 2,500,000+ transactions have been processed, highlighting the active usage of our platform.

- Daily Average Tx Amount: On average, 62,540 transactions are being made daily, showing consistent engagement across the board.

- Daily Peak Tx Amount: The highest recorded daily transaction peak stands at 201,600 a testament to the scalable nature of our testnet.

- Total Blocks: With 530,000+ blocks created, our blockchain’s strength and capacity are on full display.

- Total Gas Units Consumed: A total of 288.66Bn has been utilized, reflecting the efficiency and activity of our network.

- Total Gas Consumed in Prom: Demonstrating the economic aspect, 13843.57 PROM has been spent on gas, showcasing the testnet’s operational aspects.

Testnet Activities

Our testnet users have a range of activities to engage with, each designed to test different facets of the Prom ecosystem:


- Faucet Requests: 450,000+ requests have been made, indicating high interest and participation.

- Total PROM Redeemed from Faucet: 270,000+ PROM tokens have been redeemed, fueling transactions and testing.

Prom Forge

- Total Tokens Deployed on Forge: 275,000+ tokens have been created, illustrating the creativity and initiative of our users.

Prom Button Game

- Total Button Clicks: With 127,840 clicks recorded, this game has been a fun way to interact with our testnet.

- Total Unique Button Game Users: 38,963 users keep the game exciting and competitive.

We’re thrilled to see such active participation and feedback, which are crucial for the testnet’s success. Your insights help us fine-tune and prepare for a seamless transition to the mainnet.

Stay connected for more updates, and once again, thank you for being an essential part of this journey!

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